
Divine Alignment Shift

Shift Soul and Spine by Aligning with the Divine!

Shift your life and experience miraculous and immediate physical improvements by a multidimensional alignment of your soul.

Most common effects of this merely spiritual DAS process are

Feeling peace and a deeper connection with your heritage and present family
Physical alignment of the spine
Leveling of shoulder blades
Leveling of pelvic tilt
Equalization of leg-length

Without touch!

Proven thousands of times!

The Divine always succeeds


Lavy-Essence the Hungarian Miracle

The first line of "Organic-Information-Cosmetics"

In ancient Greece (460 BC), Democritus recognized that the whole universe consist of atoms. Now we know that the universe consist of very small elementary (nano) particles. The definition of the word "nano" is, extremely small, when quantifiable, it translates to one-billionth. Although the particles are extremely small they still carry all information within. All information is connected with each other; resonate via energetic waves, with each other.
If someone would like to use this information how would this someone be able to transport it to the place where this information is needed? The best way would be to use an "ultra-molecular dilution" (the way it is done in homeopathy) to transport it from one cell to another.

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